Colour Sells – how your packaging colour affects your customers

If you haven’t given much thought into what colour your next packaged product should be, then you need to read this article. The colour scheme you choose not only impacts how your products will look on the shelf, but also whether or not someone will buy your product based on how those colours make them feel. Each colour has an associated meaning with shoppers.

That’s right, we are going to discuss a bit about colour psychology in this article. Before you think “That’s mumbo jumbo! Colour psychology doesn’t work!” take a moment to think about how many of the restaurants you frequent use reds, oranges, and brown in their decor. Or, how many all-natural products are displayed in white, green, and brown packaging? Different businesses choose colours based on their target market and what each colour connotes to their users, you should too.

Let’s take a look at some of these different colours and what they can mean in packaging. If you like what you see, make sure to reach out to Barry Packaging for a quote on your next packaging project because we know that your product presentation should be taken seriously.


It may come as no surprise to you that white is associated with innocence and purity, but that is actually the reason why it makes such a great packaging accent colour. It adds an air of happiness to your products.


Black has two stark feelings associated with it. Firstly, death, evil, and moodiness. Secondly, power and luxury. Two incredibly different connotations! This is why the use of black in packaging stands out so much.


Brown is often given an association with earth, which is why it makes sense that this connotation brings about feelings of strength, maturity, and reliability. Brown by itself may not work in all industries, but having brown as part of your colour scheme can be a great thing.

Have a look at our brown packaging options and see how versatile brown packaging can be.


Using pink packaging helps soften the look of your product, depending on your hue of pink, but overall it does attract a more feminine clientele. Pink packaging is especially popular with fashion boutiques and hair and beauty industry. View our range of pink stock and branded packaging.

pink and cream stripes paper bag with satin ribbon and rope handles


Green is a very popular packaging colour because it brings about associations with peace, tranquility, the outdoors, wholesomeness, and health. Those are some lovely associations to have with your product!

Green Twist Handle Carrier Bag


Red is a dominating colour, often associated with love, anger, passion, and energy. Dark reds are considered a little more luxurious than bright reds. A blueish red is considered more upscale as well.

Red packaging red pillow box


Purple is often considered the most royal of packaging colour schemes, though it isn’t a colour that has an exact meaning to everyone. But it is true that for many people purple is seen to be involved with the imagination and ‘New Age’ – so it’s an interesting colour to experiment with if you are trying to market something differently.


Last but not least, blue is another popular packaging option because of it’s positive associations. It is often seen as a peaceful, clean, and relaxing colour. Who wouldn’t want a product that makes them feel that way? It’s definitely a comfort colour.

In summation, we do not advise you ignore the colour of your packaging. It isn’t something you should decide in ten minutes, especially since there are often such strong associations per colour.

Another thing to consider, your brand identity can become so ingrained in your packaging colour that you may never be able to change it after this preliminary decision. Seriously! Don’t you associate Colgate toothpaste products with a bright red? And Starbucks with the darker green in their logo?

Find the colour that matches the feelings you want to connote with your brand, contact us at Barry Packaging and we can help you get started.